
Thursday, December 31, 2015

A 2015 Digest with Bravelets

Hello all!

Well, well, well...looks like we are about to enter the New Year, whether we are ready or not! I always like to take this week to reflect on what has happened in the past year and really cherish all that I've accomplished. It makes for a much smoother transition this way, and in this you can find new motivations for all those resolutions that are so hard to keep!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Bravery of the Day Shoutout + a cute, informational video!

Time for another Bravery of the Day! This #BOTD goes out to someone who reached to us to spread awareness for her cause...

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

That's a wrap // Double Donation Day 2015

It's safe to say that this year's Double Donation Day was a HUGE SUCCESS. I just want to give an individual, 5-minute hug to each person and organization that participated yesterday. Our mission is to help people be brave through hard times, and part of that is donating to personal fundraisers and charities so that their futures can be even a little bit brighter. Love and prosperity to all the Brave Pages out there who are fundraising. All of our affiliates and Brave Page owners worked so hard to promote DDDay (what we've been calling it around Bravelets HQ) and it paid off...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Holiday Cheer + Digital Downloads!

The holiday season is just around the corner! And I know we still have Thanksgiving to enjoy (I didn't forget about you, Thanksgivingheads, there is a recipe post coming out soon!) but isn't the holiday season just beautiful??

So, I thought I would help y'all get into the spirit of things with a free, festive digital download for your phone and desktop!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Where Bravelets Come From // China Trip + Guest Blogger!

Our jewelry suppliers are located in Guangzhou, China—about a two-hour train ride outside of Hong Kong—and once a year, CEO Stephanie Hansen travels to China and visits the supply houses there. Stephanie just got back and brought fun photos with her! This is your chance to see a little more of a behind-the-scenes look at the making of a Bravelet. I'm gonna let Stephanie get into it...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bravery of the Day // BOTD

I'd like to start a new trend...bare with me. For those of you not well-versed in Instagram or deep into the blogosphere, I have some hastags to introduce you to: #OOTD, #JOTD, #FOTD, #POTD...etc. These are terms to identify things "of the day" or OTD. Outfit of the day, jewelry, name it! This trend focuses on things that we do every day, something to define the entire 24 hours.
And what do we need every day? Bravery.

For those struggling with chronic illnesses, hard diagnoses, sick family members and more...bravery is so helpful for the every day. It's what Bravelets is modeled for. So, let's start another hashtag: #BraveryoftheDay or #BOTD for short. Post it on your instagram, twitter, and blog; or simply keep in it your heart! Find one reason, thought or being to be brave for every day.

For today, I would like to share with a you a video of the Bravelets Team celebrating at a company lunch a couple weeks ago. We are all brave for each other so that we can create the best environment for support, creativity and giving back! And we love to goof around, so that's a plus.

Be brave,

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Follow us on Snapchat!

Bravelets is on snapchat! And let me tell you, snapchat is a very fun place to be! If you want around the office hoopla and daily inspiration delivered to you through quick pics, you should definitely follow Bravelets. I personally run the snapchat, so you can count on it being as entertaining as this blog.

To follow us, search 'bravelets' on snapchat and add us as a friend, or simply scan the code above in the app! I'll see you over there!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

One More Rung Up the Ladder // Donations to Date!

Bravelets is ever-growing thanks to all the support we get from you guys! All of these donations we give to organizations and causes wouldn't be possible with all of the giving and inspiring people that support their causes through us. To think we were just at $1.5 million dollars in donations a couple months ago is crazy!!! We love to watch this number grow exponentially as each Bravelet is purchased. Here's to climbing the ladder to our goals and always supporting the causes we believe in!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Spotlight: CateStrong

A Brave Page is a platform to share your story and why your cause is so close to your heart. It also has a fundraising element to it: you can personally raise money for a cause, organization, family or friend in need of support. The Bravelet you wear is a conversation starter, a difference-maker, and a stylish piece of jewelry all in in one. Spreading you story through a Brave Page can inspire others to reach higher, give back, and most importantly: Be Brave. And that's exactly what this wonderful Brave Page owner has done.