
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

That's a wrap // Double Donation Day 2015

It's safe to say that this year's Double Donation Day was a HUGE SUCCESS. I just want to give an individual, 5-minute hug to each person and organization that participated yesterday. Our mission is to help people be brave through hard times, and part of that is donating to personal fundraisers and charities so that their futures can be even a little bit brighter. Love and prosperity to all the Brave Pages out there who are fundraising. All of our affiliates and Brave Page owners worked so hard to promote DDDay (what we've been calling it around Bravelets HQ) and it paid off...

Here are some quick numbers for you:

Donations raised on DDDay 2014 – $43,400
Donations raised on DDDay 2015 – $76,080 

...if I could capitalize numbers, I would! That is almost double what we managed to raise last year.
The past weekend has been a whirlwind of donations, we topped off at over $100,000 raised from Thanksgiving until now. We have now reached $1.9k in funds raised to date.

This growth, this celebration of giving, really means a lot to our company and to us as individuals. It is simply amazing that people would hold out on our Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday sales in order to give double back to the cause of their choice. That is truly the holiday spirit that Bravelets wishes to nourish.

So, we don't want to stop there! We've got all of December to keep up this trend of giving back, so let's get to it!


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  47. This year's Double Donation Day was a huge success! Massive thanks to everyone who participated. Your generosity is helping make a difference in people's lives. To all the Brave Pages fundraising out there, your efforts are truly appreciated. Thanks to our affiliates and Brave Page owners for their hard work—it definitely paid off!

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