
Monday, February 26, 2018

NEW: Encouragement Cuffs

Have you seen our three brand new Encouragement Cuffs? They are a perfect daily reminder to encourage you to persevere through each challenging moment. The best part about these cuffs is that they are adjustable to fit any wrists size, stay securely, and they have brand new phrases of encouragement. Read more about our newest product below! 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Easy Date Ideas On a Budget

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, we have compiled a master list of super easy and inexpensive date ideas! You don't have to spend your last paycheck on one night. Usually the most creative dates are the most memorable. We hope you check out this list and use one of our date ideas! Have an amazing Valentine's Day. 

We love you! ❤️

Friday, February 9, 2018

FREE DOWNLOAD: Printable Valentine Cards

Happy early Valentine's Day! In honor of Valentine's Day, we made some cute and free printable cards for your valentine this year. They are foldable so you can write cute handwritten notes on the inside for that extra special touch.  We hope you be brave this Valentine's Day season!

Friday, February 2, 2018

February is Heart Month

When you think of February, does a little cartoon heart pop up in your mind? This month is always associated with romance and a pink and red color scheme of sorts because of Valentine's Day. But let's shift the focus a little and start a conversation about our physical hearts. They take care of us and we always forget to do so in return.

I'm gonna let y'all in on some tips on how to empower yourself by living a heart healthy lifestyle! All in honor of Heart Health awareness month!