
Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Guide to Self Care

The bravest thing you can do is to care for yourself. Let's face it, the past few years might have seemed like a constant struggle and wrong turns left and right. In the hustle and bustle of your life don't forget to take at least five minutes a day to focus on yourself and self evaluate your mindfulness. There are so many short and easy ways you can incorporate self care practices into your life. Read below for our guide on self care! 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Free Download: January!

January is here! This year we are all about relaxation. Last year was restless and you deserve a break. Here is a free desktop and mobile wallpaper to remind you to be brave and relax.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Isabeau Hope Goodman's Story

When she was only 8 days old, Isabeau Hope Goodman was already undergoing her first open heart surgery. Her family practically lived at the hospital for the majority of Isabeau's earliest years. It seemed like hope was gone. However, her family refused to let go and continued to believe. Isabeau's story is the perfect example on the power of bravery. Thank you so much for sharing your story! Read Isabeau's inspirational and miraculous story below.