
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Heal Within: Gemstone Benefits

        Our BRAND NEW Be Brave Gemstone Cuffs are waiting for you now! They are on sale for $39 with six different gemstone choices: amethyst, rose quartz, carnelian, black onyx, blue onyx, and aqua chalcedony. Some believe that gemstones contain special healing properties. Do you think so? See for yourself! Be brave this year and let nature take control of your wellbeing. Trust us, it’s not just you. You really DO deserve a break. This year really has been exhausting and Bravelets wants you to heal, repair, and support yourself and your favorite cause! Check out which gemstone is right for you and your wellbeing.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Today is #GivingTuesday!

Help us give back in a BIG WAY this year! On top of the 10% donation to your cause, Bravelets is donating $5 to Toys for Tots for every order placed today. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

FREE DOWNLOAD: 2017 Holiday Gift Guide

Are you beginning your search for affordable gifts for all your loved ones that also mean something special? Bravelets is here to help you out! 

Organize your gift giving for every special person in your life. Download this PDF and start brainstorming their favorite styles and causes!


If your have any questions about giving gifts this season, message us on Facebook or email us at 

Thursday, October 19, 2017


This week a viral movement called "Me Too" took social media by storm. Recently revived by the controversy and horrendous stories coming forward in the Hollywood industry from Harvey Weinstein, it has since expanded to highlight the every day sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse from others in power. Strong, brave women and men have come forward to claim "me too" to highlight the magnitude and widespread scale of a story that is too common but never talked about enough. 

Here at Bravelets, we wanted to give others a platform to share their own "me too" and we launched a social media post that has now been shared, commented on, and liked over around 2,000 times and reached a mass of 56K people on Facebook alone. We wanted take a moment to thank everyone who decided to share their story and to share with you our thoughts surrounding this movement...

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Story of Rosa & Maya

Today, we heard a story from a customer that left tears in our eyes and goosebumps all over. As you know, we have two styles of bracelets called Rosa and Maya. Without giving too much away, keep those bracelets in mind as you read this story about the unexpected paths that crossed between Bravelets and a beautiful family in California…

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Mental Illness Awareness Week featuring: Chris Biehn

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This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week (October 1-7). Our featured guest blogger today is Chris Biehn. He’s a journalism student at Ithaca College from Medford, NJ. He considers himself a dreamer, optimist, and activist. He found Bravelets on social media and fell in love with the concept of having a quality product that benefits crucial charities while promoting the theme fight on. Read his story and important message for Mental Illness Awareness Week:

Monday, September 18, 2017

Hurricane Relief

 Bravelets has been hard at work producing your custom Texas Brave Collection! As you know, 100% of proceeds were donated to the American Red Cross - Hurricane Harvey Relief. We are proud to announce we raised over $7,000 thanks to YOU and your support for the people in Texas.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

100% Proceeds Donated: Hurricane Harvey Relief

Friday, August 25 Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Coast line, and even as we write this now 6 days later Harvey has only weakened to a Tropical Storm but is continuing to Louisiana. This disaster has been ruthless and painful for millions of people. Texas is home to Bravelets and we have watched friends homes flooded and destroyed in the Houston area, Rockport, Victoria, La Grange, and more. We knew we needed to do something to help, which is why we created a TEXAS BRAVE collection, available as a necklace and bracelet donating  100% of proceeds to the American Red Cross - Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What's New At Bravelets!

Great things never came from comfort zones.
Here on the Bravelets Team, we've been working on some huge updates for the company that will bring new growth, better communication, and special opportunities for YOU! We are so excited to share what's been happening with us for the past two months.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Spotlight: C.A.D.S. Bags

C.A.D.S Bags are gift bags of donated materials for anyone who is going through chemo in an effort to alleviate some of the stress that surrounds starting chemo. It was started by Amber Wilson & Lori Zeka. They donate these bags to oncology office and hospitals in their local area, but are wanting to expand. Read more to learn how to help!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month

April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month! This month we've partnered with The Sagli Esophageal Cancer Research Foundation! We spoke with the President of the Foundation, Linda Molfesi to learn a little more about her organization and their mission. Check it out!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Brave Page Highlight: Dr. Dan's Fans

We love sharing outstanding Brave Pages and this week's is nothing short of inspirational! 

Dr. Dans Fan's was created March 17, 2017 and has already sold 71 items and raised $273 in donations for the Colon Cancer Alliance! 

Friday, April 7, 2017

April Free Downloads!

Here are some new downloads to put a spring in your step! Spruce up your desktop and cellphone wallpapers with a daily reminder to be brave in whatever way you want to be!

Friday, March 31, 2017

Repost: Where Bravelets Come From

Our jewelry suppliers are located in Guangzhou, China—about a two-hour train ride outside of Hong Kong—and once a year, CEO Stephanie Hansen travels to China and visits the supply houses there. We have many questions from customers about how our jewelry is made so we thought we would reshare our original story! Here is a glimpse into the making of a Bravelet...

Friday, March 17, 2017

Graham's Story

The following is an excerpt from our Brave Stories, where anyone can post a story about the hard times they are facing, the hope they find, and how they are brave each and every day. Read more or share your own here:

Christina Brown's Story


I sit here, fingers on the keys, thinking about how to start this post. How do I tell Graham's story? How do I explain the last eleven months of my life in a single post? How do I articulately and thoroughly explain the emotional storm we have experienced? 

I am the mom to a child with special needs. My son has special needs, a disability, a rare chromosomal abnormality. Technically, Graham has Cri-du-Chat Syndrome or 5P-. There was a deletion on the short arm of his fifth chromosome. He has special needs.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Here at Bravelets, we love supporting all causes that are important to you! Many of the causes have special months or days to bring awareness and raise funds for research. This month we are partnering with The Colon Cancer Alliance to raise awareness for colon cancer! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

FREE Download: March Calendar

We thought we'd make this month's free download cute AND functional! Reference your March calendar right on your wallpaper whenever you need a little help planning ahead! 
Choose to download for your phone or your desktop background. This month's motivation? 

Go the extra mile, it's never crowded!

Monday, February 27, 2017

February is Heart Awareness Month

Every February we celebrate Heart Awareness Month to help bring awareness to heart disease. Here is some information about heart disease and this awareness month! Don't forget during the month of February, you can get 25% off any item from the Heart Disease Awareness Brave Page with code: HEART25

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Brave Story: 4 PAWS FOR ROBBIE

The following is taken from our Brave Stories community, where anyone can share thoughts, feelings, or stories about anything they are passionate about. If you would like to contribute to our Brave Stories or read more, please visit here:

Monday, January 23, 2017

Free Download for the new year!

As you know, we love our fill of inspirational quotes and mantras. We think that they are great constant reminders to be the best possible version of ourselves. This specific quote resonates so well with our mission of being brave through hard times & being brave each and every day!